miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016

la sorgente del ts 50%

//__________________________________________Tecnica 50%________________________//

Var: newday(false), mioopen(0), miomin(0), miomax(0), mioclose(0),dvsup,dvmed,dvinf;
Var: wmax,wmin,wmed,DMAX,DMIN;

dvsup= miomin+(261.8*(miomax-miomin))/100;
dvmed= miomin+(50*(miomax-miomin))/100;
dvinf= miomax-(261.8*(miomax-miomin))/100;

if isfirstbarday then
PlotChart(WMED,0, gray, dot, 1);
installstoploss(inperc,3.00,"SL", STARTNEXTBAR);
plotchartNoZero(getstoploss, 0, red, solid, 2);
DrawText(NEWOGG,0 , D,getstoploss , "sl",getstoploss , black, 25, 1+4,Alright);

if  c<dvsup and c>highd(1) and GetNumOpEnterLongToday=0 then enterlong( nextbar,atopen);endif;
if positiondir=1 and c<dvmed then exitlong(nextbar,atopen);endif;

if c>dvinf and c<lowd(1) and GetNumOpEntershortToday=0 then entershort( nextbar,atopen);endif;
if positiondir=-1 and c>dvmed then exitshort(nextbar,atopen);endif;


2 comentarios:

 dopo la legnata di ieri dovuta alla debolezza dei dati del 2024 oggi è ritornata ..dopo 44 giorni..al prezzo delle scadenze tecniche di dic...